• This patient first had invisalign teeth straightening to align her smile. Many patients who have invisalign opt to have composite bonding to correct the uneven edge position after teeth straightening.

  • The first step following completing invisalign is the removal of the buttons/ attachments. These are removed gently from the tooth surface to prevent harm to the underlying tooth structure.

    This revealed the natural teeth which had small areas of fluorosis - a white patchy appearance caused during tooth development from high uptake of fluoride. We used ICON resin infiltration to mask these white spots to create a uniform natural appearance.

  • Composite Edge bonding was performed to level out the smile and ultra conservative enamel smoothing (enameloplasty) was carried out on the neighbouring tooth to create a uniform and symmetrical smile.


Composite Bonding Makeover.

This patient was referred to me from a colleague following Invisalign orthodontic treatment. The patient wished to improve the smile symmetry and correct the uneven edges. We decided on undertaking composite edge bonding to enhance her smile.

composite bonding before and after

Composite Bonding [ Upper 8 ]


Composte Bonding [ 4 teeth ]